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Monday, February 15, 2010


A problem on my end...because my 4 year old hates napping. If she can just put toothpick under her lids to keep them from closing, she will.

But then I have learned that making it a routine for them will be more acceptable. And that the moment they learned that they can do WITHOUT it, they will force it upon you. So don't let them get away with it. Be firm, and in the long run they will even begin to ask you "is it nap time already?"

Months ago my Anya knows that after taking her bath at 2pm, we dry her hair and go straight to bed. But after ONE SINGLE DAY of letting her watch a series of afternoon cartoon after bath time, the routine was broken. Then I blamed myself to getting so caught up with my blogging that I let her have her way with playing with her carer, and forgo napping. Glad I got to my senses and p oked myself in the head for doing that!!! Grrr bad mommy!!! I then tried to put her back to the routine, but it's not easy since her sleep cycle already changed. She sleeps midnight or even past because she wakes up at 9 or 10am then naps at 4 pm. At least I'm getting there, because finally there is a NAP TIME!


Risma Hutabarat said...

My daughter loves cartoon too, Jen. When it's time to go to bed, I will turn off the tv without any excuses (lol)

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Carolee Hollenback said...

I too have found with my kids that rountine, routine, routine is best.

Sometimes it can drive a parent crazy, but it is so worth it once the kid figures out you are serious!

GIOVANNI said...

hahahah same with my lil princess



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