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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I honestly cannot stop myself from staring at my little princess time and again. I see her and I stop and stare, swelling with love for a God-given jewel.

I remember how hard it was for me from the moment I conceived her to about two years. As early as the first trimester I was asked to go on bed rest for possible abortion. In fact at 4 months I already am at 2cm. I go on and off work but never laid low on going to church. If truth be told, many people asks me every time not to go anymore for fear of losing the baby on the way there. But I believe that wherever I am, if the Lord decides to let it happen IT WILL HAPPEN. So I'd rather show Him that I am His faithful servant and that I yield to His wishes.. And so I reached the latter phase of my pregnancy, 3rd trimester, at 4 cm. Still, I go to church. Still, I kept on praying. Well, I am not outright asking Him NOT to take the baby away, but that His will be done. My OB told me that by September 17th, I can put down my guard because by then it will be safe for me to give birth. That very day, I was out to the Central Church being baptized. Everyone fears for me, but not me. I was so happy right after and uttered even that I can now go to the delivery room if need be. Well, it so happened that it took 17 days more before I finally did!

And here goes the promise...I asked the Lord (can't recall when I did this, but anywhere in between those 9 months definitely) to make my baby healthy and complete, pretty, smart, nice and wonderful enough to be loved by everybody and I PROMISE to introduce Him to her the earliest time possible. That I will ensure that she will believe in Him and love Him as I do. (I know that a promise made to God is something that should never be broken or else... but I did whole-heartedly!) And I did what I promised (not only because He gave me what I asked for because I really will do that anyway) little one at 4 have a faith I never knew possible for that age! And I will continue to push her closer and closer to God...because each time, I am reminded that God is with me and my Anya, for every prayer we ask together is being given ;)

THIS IS MAGNIFICENTLY TRUE...and I hope you try reaching out to Him with Love and dedication and benefit such wonderful gifts of Love in return.




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