Life simply passes by like a blur. This was my little anya, my duckling 4 years ago (she's turning 5 soon), when she was still a duckling haha. Actually, we used to call her such because of her "nguso" (pouting lips that she extends even more at times).
...and we kindda played around with the little one with her toy here (LOL). Do they look alike? But cute, isn't she?
Oops sis Jenie, sorry about my first comment, I just tried it first and now it's completely okay. Glad to know it!
By the way, your baby is cutie and with that two yellow ducks side by side. Have a great Yellow Mellow Monday hunting.. here's mine: My MYM: Yellow Business Building..
@linea ~ nice to have you here. heading on to your blog. glad you like that photo.
@mellowyellow ~ glad u find that funny...i love that shot as well, hehe.
@ kayce ~ i'm awfully glad it's not just me loving her but everyone around her...more so even you people who doesn't even know her. wait till you talk to her, she's pretty smart too ;)
@ cacai ~ no problem with the trial thing ;) hope you found my silly playing around with my kiddo cute haha.
I am personally disclosing that this blog is written by me and only me; and all posts inclusive since 16 June 2009. Content is of personal opinion, view, belief and knowledge but ensures honesty and fairness. In the event that you have questions or reactions, as some topics may present conflict of interest, feel free to let me know by sending a message at As in other policies, “any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question”. This blog accepts different forms of compensation, like that of cash advertising, sponsorship or paid insertions; though may not always be revealed or visibly apparent.
Too cute! Adorable shot...
Oh my gosh! lol ... love that face! And yes, there is a similarity to the cute little duckies. Ahhh...that made my night :)
what an adorable baby you have! she's so cutie with her ducklings too! ;-)
Oops sis Jenie, sorry about my first comment, I just tried it first and now it's completely okay. Glad to know it!
By the way, your baby is cutie and with that two yellow ducks side by side. Have a great Yellow Mellow Monday hunting.. here's mine: My MYM: Yellow Business Building..
See yah.. ;-)
@linea ~ nice to have you here. heading on to your blog. glad you like that photo.
@mellowyellow ~ glad u find that funny...i love that shot as well, hehe.
@ kayce ~ i'm awfully glad it's not just me loving her but everyone around her...more so even you people who doesn't even know her. wait till you talk to her, she's pretty smart too ;)
@ cacai ~ no problem with the trial thing ;) hope you found my silly playing around with my kiddo cute haha.
mala-angelina jolie nga...ang kyooooottt nyahehe
Ah, ka cute ni Anya, haha pouting lips nga.
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