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Saturday, October 31, 2009


I guess it is but natural for kids to have this change fright, them wanting and needing permanence in relation to security. That each change in their routine, common practice, or simply their world is stressful and necessitating adjustment.

I have proven this time and again like her opposing to transfer in country , or even just residence, or even as minimal as her not wanting her things given away.

As adults, it is but fitting for us to understand this anxiety in them. Let us be perceptive to the possible effects this will bring them, and do appropriate measures to let it be subtle and tolerable for them. Be sensitive to the need to talk it out to them, tell them of the importance of it. Make them understand, but also be firm in letting them know that it is a decision made already.


teJan said...

very well said jen and a keen observation! thanks for sharing!


aziz said...

May God bless you. your blog is the nice




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