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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


4 years and I am still learning everything there is to learn about kids. And as of the latest, I wondered why my li’l girl sweats a lot especially while she sleeps. It is common occurrence, may it be a warm day or not, to find her hair plastered to her head with sweat and her pillow drenched with more upon waking up.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Jennifer Shu, a pediatrician and author of Baby and Child Health: The Essential Guide From Birth to 11 Years ensures it to be normal. That kids’ sweat when they are in a deep sleep, which is more frequent than adults. It is also because that their temperature regulation is still not fully developed. We just have to keep them warm at bedtime by adjusting the room temperature if necessary and by just padding them lightly. This sweating though decreases as age increases. She also made mention of the difference in normal night sweating and overly heated child; that an overly heated child feels warm before reaching deep-sleep. In my case, I have observed of my li’l gir’ls warmer than normal palms and feet.

Still, “in every rule there is an exemption”. We have to be perceptive also of probable infection which will make her sweat as she fights it; of a sleep disorder called apnea which is the difficulty in breathing thus also makes her sweat as she tries to grasp more air; or of alarming signs as run down by Dr. Sue “fever, snoring, gasping, pauses in breathing, and any symptoms of illness. In any event that these are observed, call your doctor. In fact, anything that makes you feel that something is not normal, do not hesitate, after all we don’t want it to be too late.

At least now, my curiosity has been fed as to why kids sweat more than us adults specifically when they sleep.


Tracie Nall said...

I have noticed that my 6 yr old often sweats at night even when the room isn't particularly hot....good to know that it is normal!!

Thanks for stopping by my place :)

PropellerHeadMom said...

Interesting! I always noticed that my boys sweat a lot in their sleep.



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