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Thursday, May 19, 2011


If you are to choose between a puppy and a kitten, which would you choose?

It is believed that these two cute little creatures are the most common companions people adopt to take care of, either to be the family's pet or their personal companion. Both are cuddly and soft. Both needing care and attention. Both giving love and bringing out love.

But they have similarities and differences that makes us want one over the other.

Dog lovers wonder what some sees in cats to want them. Likewise, cat owners have some to say of dog owners too. You hear endless different questions. Why would you want to take care of cats who sleep all day? Why would you want to have with you dogs that barks that pierces your eardrums each time the doorbell rings? How come you want to have cats that easily overpopulates your house? How come you want dogs that digs holes in your backyard?

Endless questions...but at times throws seemingly meaningless ones but makes us think nonetheless. One would be Why do cats purr? Or why do dogs love to chase their tail?

One thing is for sure, they make us feel happy. We simply differ in many different ways. We each have different views and preferences. So let us just be happy for the happiness the other have with either their puppy or kitten...their dog or their cat.


Deej said...

If I were to choose, I would prefer puppy. Why? Because they are so cute and manly. Well kitten is also okay though.




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