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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What better way to shout to your surroundings of you’re your thoughts, offers or whatever it is you want them to know than having it in banners?

In a business, propaganda, political publicity, seminars, wedding, birthdays, social events or gatherings, banner is a wonderful material to provide information, policy, idea, cause or invitations that is as effective as media in a more intimate and smaller scale. It is a way of getting attention as well as giving the message across in a glance. And we would want to do it in such a classy manner and not just sticking those banners and posters on the wall, which at times is not even possible.

And you wouldn’t believe at how low a cost it takes to do all those stated above with tradeshow banner stands available for you for whatever reason you need it for. I have witnessed such effective strategy and pleasing to the eyes of having a banner, with a greater impact when presented in such a superb way, in a banner stand.

At present, I am thinking of advising the use of it for the upcoming wedding reception of my best buddy this December. A welcome display by the door somewhere of the couple's photo for the guests in thanking them in advance for being present the unforgettable day probably, or simply an added attraction. I remember as well the piano concierto my cousin invited me to where his photo in a very big banner was posted by the wall. Two others standing by the Meralco theater doors would have looked spectacular too. Next time around, I won't forget sharing this to friends and relatives.




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