The woman of the house usually are the ones more inclined to decorate their homes. They were the ones to interest the man to have the surroundings landscaped, and more often than not gives superb ideas to put this and that here and there.
I, for one, have so many ideas to a garden. Having one is a dream I will not let go of though condominiums and buildings are the trend these days. Nothing can surpass the fresh air one can get among the greens, nor the bird chirping around in the morning enjoying the sunlight as you do. And a great landscape that matches the very house always is a prerequisite to a magnificent garden.
A Greek Garden, Egyptian Garden or Roman Garden often comes to mind. Imagine putting Sundials to complete the picture. One like this beautiful Brass Butterfly Sundial that may have made you the envy of your visitors. It may be the oldest known device for the measurement of time and the most ancient of scientific instruments...but it will be the talk of town that you have one in your garden!!!
Maybe you're wishing to have one right now...I do, too. So why wait when you can actually do have it in your hands in no time?!?
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