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Saturday, February 5, 2011


"Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed."~Albert Einstein

I see you nodding your head there at first...then tries to re-read again after that last sentence!

It is true that we women just wouldn't concede when it comes to our man having no more hope to being changed. We try to believe ourselves the hero, that after all those "pasts" he had, we still think that we will be the last. That finally he will change. And so we end up getting hurt...but that's when we finally reach acceptance. I just hope that you are or will be amongst us who woke up before committing yourself to the life long bond of marriage.

And for you who are married...let that second sentence be a wake up call. Our men is hoping that we will not change. That we will still be the sweet, cuddly, loving, forgiving, romantic and thoughtful finance' he asked to marry. Let us try to be. Keep hoping that he will change for the benefit of peace in the home and for the rekindling of warmth. After all, it also benefits us. Because we can never be whole again with our better halves. Therefore, at least make up for what the other half lacks...and somehow you will feel whole. And happy.


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avatarlady said...

Was Albert Einstein ever married?



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