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Monday, December 28, 2009


Mommies like me have common concern when it comes to our child’s nutritional adequacy, their daily intake. But we have to be aware of the probable reason to insufficiency to be able to have the appropriate action.

First would be INADEQUATE MEALS. Toddlers to pre-schoolers usually are so busy playing that they can forgo eating. They even would say they don’t want to eat though they want to, or is hungry, just so they can continue with their playtime. My li’l one sometimes says “no” to finger foods like biscuits or sandwiches, or whatever offered that they will have to use with their hands with because she knows that I will demand that she wash her hands first; but says “yes” when I offer to feed her myself with oat meal, soup, or food that can be fed to her with spoon or fork. In short, if we think that they are needed to be given special attention, or more convincing effort just for them to eat, we have to do everything in our power just so they will have the required need. School age have other added problems, and one is skipping breakfast; often because they have to rush to school. And we know that breakfast is the most important meal being our energy and vitality for the day’s work. It reduces definitely sluggishness and irritability. Lunch also is becoming a problem since they were left to care for themselves. It is then better for us to provide them with pack lunch than cash to ensure that they are partaking the right quality and quantity of food.

POOR APPETITE comes next. Probable reason is the too tiring activities in school. It is then advisable for parents to know what are the school curriculum and the administration’s concern with the school atmosphere when choosing the right school for their kids. Calorie dense food should be chosen with the balance in the carbohydrates, protein, good fat, vitamins and minerals like milk and fruit beverages. Check nutrient labels when buying their snack items.

SWEET TOOTH or children’s craving for sweets are common because their body are recognizing the need for extra calories, but we have to know when to give them and to what extent. Not only should we be concerned for their decaying teeth due to these sweets but their appetites being affected because of it. Plus giving in to these cravings all the time can be stuck on their eating preference which they will carry on up to adulthood increasing their risk to increased sugar levels or even diabetes. Why not make it a “special occasion” treat and not a “pasalubong” (take-home surprise).

Training our kids to proper food intake should start at an early age, not when they reach adolescent period already. And it is not too early to put them on a DIET. The right diet. Because right now, incidence of childhood obesity is getting higher and higher. Such will be another topic to post.


Risma Hutabarat said...

Very useful info, Jen. My daughter is also having feeding problems sometimes. You are a great mom! Thanks for sharing :)




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