It makes me wonder why kids are scared of dentists when they have not even tried going to them. So the rationale could only be that they either hear their family or friends about some traumatic experience; or they were not introduced earlier in life to the dentist and of what they can do for us.
It is advisable that they get used to visiting the clinic, and be exposed to the fact that dentists are there to help and not hurt. Start at an early age by at first tagging them along, or even have them try a little of the peeking, then probably with the brushing. It is important that they do not feel apprehended or forced into it. A relax atmosphere at all times inside any new environment will take them away from scary thoughts and trauma’s.
I hate dentists too, Jen. Fortunately, I never had any problem with my teeth. Asha can brush her own teeth right now. I hope she won't have any dental problems too in the future :)
Anyway, Happy New Year, dear
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