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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I never believed in "opposites attract". For me there should be similarities to your likes and dislikes for the relationship to last. Its not mere love. There has to be interest, there has to be communication...there has to be common grounds. Or else, in a matter of months boredom will settle in between, and that will in the end be the very reason for separation. Because love will not stay.

And so, notice how the women try to involve themselves in what their better halves love doing. More often than not it is SPORTS. They go out of their way to learn what that sport is all about, play the very game themselves if not master it altogether, or even to the point of learning (not actually necessarily joining) the famous bet on sports done between men just for the fun of it. During the game, they stay beside their man, cheering and shouting as if it is their own personal choice. Sacrifice and commitment, that's what it is. That at times they even convinced themselves that they truly are enjoying, but the truth is they are enjoying his time with her and his notice given her. May it be the season for the NFL, NBA, or whatever game he go crazy of...she is with him ALL THE WAY. Trying to be as sporty as him just so they will have more time together, something to talk about, something to be happy about. works! If you truly love him, you'll try it!


Friday, February 18, 2011


It is part of growing up that children learn to detach themselves from you. It should not always be them grabbing your skirt, or them holding your hand every step, or them sleeping beside you. It is in fact not a common practice in other countries for their kids to sleep in the same room as their parents, much more do they sleep in the very same bed.

It is a start then that you at least train them to sleep next to your bed. Buy them their own bed to sleep on. My Anya is used to sleeping in her own toddler bed. Prior to that she has her own crib when she was an infant then converted to baby bed when she got a little older and moves a lot. It is a matter of training and them getting used to it. Make them love having their own space. Make them respect yours. This will somehow make them stand on their own and start the early independence. Just make sure that they will be safe in that bed. Then get something that will interest them. It could be anything. From log beds to toy shaped can make it interesting for them. For initial surprise you need to put covers and stuffs for kids to make them love it and sleep there. In time, it can be bare and still they will sleep there because it is theirs!


If before I joined the Call Center craze and tried to be one of those that goes to the beautiful offices of BPO's, receives one call after another helping out clients and answering their querries and earn greater than most employees in normal little one did so too. At home. She pretends to be one as she doodles with the computer. She earn with play money and talks with pretend customers. Advantage? She learned navigation of computer, practiced on her english communication skill, and had fun time with mom. Just make sure your kid do not stay too long in front of your PC though and make her wear your UV protect PC eyeglasses to make sure she is not harming her eyes.


It is not a matter of owning the place, but a matter of putting your own personal mark on it. May it be rented or is your house because you are living in it.

Decorating you own place leaves your signature to it. There is the YOU-ness in it. Your personal choices of color blending, your desired furniture matching, your things that needs to be present around...all this makes your house YOUR HOME.

The Cheap woodweave blinds that matches your wood furniture gives you that feeling of being home since your childhood place is a lot like it. And putting in modern furniture in other parts of the house gives you this feeling of individualism, detaching yourself from your past. These are mere ideas because in the end you still end up putting in together a set of things that gives you comfort and uniqueness. Whatever it is, it is what completes your day...going home to a place you call your own.


"Jenny, I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."
Forrest Gump

If you have seen this movie you will agree that Forrest Gump is not an ideal man. He is not the normal sort of guy one would fall in love with. But he is someone with a pure heart, with no malice in his mind, with no streak of evil,...still he is not someone to go gaga over with. He is not normal. He is borne with deficiencies. But fate made him live life. He had achievements that is unbelievable for him to achieve, blessing after blessing that made him reach unreachable stars.

Though almost next to impossible, the love of his life became his. He may not know a lot of things, but he knew he loved Jenny. Everything that is good has happened to him though he is not asking for it. What more of you who asks for it and is normal enough to know how to get it? Maybe its his quality of being SOMEONE WITH A PURE HEART that we have to have...what do you think?


The web is where everything is. You find everything in it, you manage things with it. You can do your shopping, paying, communicating, and even working here at the web.

One of the very first things you do upon turning your PC on is to check your mails. You get different kinds of mail, from personal mails to business mails. And if you have a business, this is one of the marketing strategies used by most that is proven effective. Contacts can be reached through it. It is the fastest route. You get to spread the word about you, you get to share your thoughts, you get to give an invite to your site in an instant. With email list management you can trace who read the mail you sent or who clicked on your link.

Email marketing is proven effective. You have broader range of reach, you have fastest way of reaching your contacts and target clients, you have less expensive way of dong all these and you can do so anytime, anywhere. Work at home people appreciates this most...why not try it as well? Free for 60 days...nothing to lose.


One of my most favorite cartoons at all times, Beauty and the Beast. And it has this wonderful, wonderful song that has been amongst the most heard song in the country. Not only is the melody nice, but the magnificent voices of Celine Dion and Peebo Bryson catches the attention of both the young and the old. Love song...but they are also loved by kids. Cartoons...but they are also loved by adults.


One cannot just suddenly decide to put up a business. There are plans to be made, strategies to think of, pattern to follow, rules to make, need to consider...and so on and so forth.

Marketing strategy is a constant need. And at this time and age, the computer age, the web need tops every strategy. It is where you can reveal the nature of your business, it is where you can easily converse to your target groups, it is what you can use to make your business known. And just like a logo in every business, it is as important to have the right choice when it comes to domains. You should come up with a striking domain name at the same time gives idea to your business. This will give greater chance of being noticed and searched for.

Believe me, having your own site and domain will not make you way behind your competitors. Because it is more likely that they have their own domains themselves than not. So be amongst them who has than those that doesn't.


Are you married? Then you will be one of the many people who disagrees with this quotation:

"Adam was the luckiest man; he had no mother-in-law."
Mark Twain
It actually is not proven right all the time...but I hear of it a lot of times. I have no reason to take sides since I am not married yet. I have no in-laws to love or to hate. But I have seen a lot of in-law to in-laws relationship and good new is, I have heard POSITIVE comments more that negative.

It is a tradition in this country for children to get married and still stay with their families, either with the wife's or the husband's. It is normal to see such arrangement for different reasons. It can be that they had an early marriage and that they are incapable of living on their own yet (it being a 3rd world country, it is not surprising!), or that the couple are both working and they need the trusted guidance of their parents for their kids they will leave behind with a carer, or the warm compassionate love and tendering Filipino's have for the elders that we cannot just leave them in the care of others ( institutions). This arrangement then became the reason for two families to stay in one place, more often, the in-laws staying with the newly wed...thus became your new family.

New family...extended family to be specific, are a lot harder than raising your very own in the sense that you are all adults reared by different people with different attitudes, different views of things, different everything that suddenly have to live together and adjust to everything. It is only natural that not everything you want will be the same as their wants. The key then so as not to have the same thought as mark twain is to have GIVE AND TAKE between your in-law and you. It actually is not a written rule but the appropriate rule that both ends should do likewise for a successful and contented life together.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


You definitely heard of this shoe that provides protection and warmth of the foot during war or even training days, the "combat boots". The same way have we heard of the all-time favorite of men that gives them more of that manly trait looking tough and strong though pointed and is higher heeled than most men shoe, the "cowboy boots". Only Timberland Schuhe can best give you this if you're desiring to have one.

And you need not be a cowboy or an army to wear this fashionable styles. It is trendy as well as remarkably comfortable to be wearing them. Aside from it being designed for your comfort, wearing Timberland Stiefel makes you feel confident. You feel appealing, you feel a little above others. You feel secure that you are wearing something with a name to carry itself and that you are wearing something that will not put you down come hale or storm. May you be the rugged type who goes hiking, walks in trails...or some city girl that knows how to be fashionably dressed, Timberland is what you can count on.

Yes, ladies wear boots. But ladies wear other kinds as well. Stiletto's, healed shoes of different shape, slip on's, it they want it. And Timberland with its beauty ad quality can give you what you need.


It is not accepted nowadays to have missing tooth or teeth. There is always an option to have a nice have complete set of teeth. Either you do it in a little old fashion way of having removable dentures or the new trend of having next to normal permanent teeth with dental implants.

If I were to make a choice, it will be having it implanted where it is not at all noticeable even to myself that I already lost the original tooth. It will be a a little costly we must admit, but truly worth it. Procedure is longer since you need to undergo x-ray, then the surgery to put the screw into the bone where the crown will be attached. It will take about two months wait for the bone to heal (or probably adjust to the screw...grow may be the term) before going back for the final crowning.

Glad to say though that I have no need for such yet as my teeth are perfectly all okay. Nothing beats the orginal, healthy teeth nature have given us. Therefore, be extra mindful of oral care and hygiene.

Friday, February 11, 2011


"I GET TRANSFIXED WITH ALL THOSE GLORIOUS HAIR OF HERS", "I CAN'T RESIST TOUCHING HER HAIR", or "I HAVE DREAMS OF BEING ENVELOPED IN THOSE SOFT CURLS". These admiring comments you hear that was said to have come from boys and men alike simply are worth hearing...more so when they are meant for YOU.

True to the saying that "Hair is the crowning glory of a woman"...every one of us wants to have hair to wish for. And the desire of the centuries ago ladies of long glorious hair is back. Either its ultimately straight or a little or overly curly, as long as it is LONG, SHINY, SOFT AND HEALTHY.

Unfortunately, one cannot just wish it. You have to be prepared to have it. You have to be aware of the need for long hair vitamins to ensure of its health. There is the so-called diet for healthy hair to make it strong avoiding split ends, brittleness or falling hair. It is a responsibility one must be willing to carry. There are guidelines to follow in washing long hair. From the way of washing, combing, to drying. It is actually easy. It's just a matter of knowing..and truly wanting to be the object of other peoples envy for your wonderfully cared for hair, the ever wandering admiring glances of men.


It's not always you guiding them, reprimanding them, teaching them, or caring for them. They also need you to simply PLAY WITH THEM.

The time you give them making them enjoy you is as vital as those other times you are with them. They feel loved and cherished when you do things they love doing. And there's no greater love for them than playing. A few minutes each day is good enough bonding time, what more of an hour or two...or even a day. After all, they are the most important blessing given you!!!


Either you are a light sleeper or there really have too much noise outside the bedroom. Imagine those nights when your party loving neighbor have another one of her parties with loud music and cheerful voices. You don't want to be the bad-ass reprimanding everyone to keep it down. After all, you also have your share of house guests and happy occasions. Or probably the unavoidable flow of traffic outside being in the city and fronting a busy street. There just isn't any choice...almost. Because there is this wonderful solution to cover all those noise, the sleepmate sound conditioner. It has the ability to cover up all those noise with its combination of frequencies of sound making it difficult for your brain to decipher one noise from another. Even that constant ringing in your ears or the pestering tinnitus have no say over this sound conditioner.

Or maybe not you, but your little one?! That's more unfair if you think about it. All your kid wants to have is a peaceful sleep, the same way that you want that for you to finally have your much needed rest. But after all the rocking, swaying and singing...when finally you had him tucked in his crib, he wails again after that car alarm from across the street started ringing. This sleepmate white noise machine will not only help lull him to sleep with the soothing sound of rushing air but make sure that he complete that sleep by blocking any other disturbance.

Have sleepmate sound conditioner 980a now and get the guaranteed undisturbed sleep you and your family can ever have. A choice between one level sound or two level sound of high and low is available to suit your preference, both compact in size, made in the USA, and truly the solution to your noise disturbed sleep.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We do need a little laugh each day. It is said that you are using more muscles when frowning that when smile and do away with wrinkle. Here is one of those clean jokes I have heard of that you might enjoy reading. Have a SMILE FILLED DAY!

Potato Sack Workout Program

As I was working to find a good exercise plan this year to improve my physical fitness, I came across this exercise to build muscle strength in the arms and shoulders. It seems so easy that I decided to share it with others.

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb. potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, then relax. Each day, you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb. potato sacks, then 50-lb. potato sacks, and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb. potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute.

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks; but be careful, you don't want to hurt yourself!


It is your haven, it is where you can be you. And therefore you do everything and anything that pleases you with it.

If you were me, you would want it cozy yet beautiful. You would want it elegant though gives complete comfort. You would want it clean and safe at all times not just for you but for your kids. I imagine my own house to be modern. More white but with colors on rooms. There will be adjustable lighting's for mood setting. There will be appropriate furniture, with no little things that usually serve as clutter. Have to have the sound of water cascading, could be a falls or fish tank. This simply makes it feel relaxing, just as the wind chimes does on windy days.

It never gets off my mind to make it bump free for my little one. First comes the Carpet installation to make it slip free on areas needing it, then those side protects on tables that could hurt them if they fell on them, and even electrical covers for safety.

Again, your home is your haven. It still is your own choice to make for how you want everthing to be. Do we somehow have the same idea?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


"Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed."~Albert Einstein

I see you nodding your head there at first...then tries to re-read again after that last sentence!

It is true that we women just wouldn't concede when it comes to our man having no more hope to being changed. We try to believe ourselves the hero, that after all those "pasts" he had, we still think that we will be the last. That finally he will change. And so we end up getting hurt...but that's when we finally reach acceptance. I just hope that you are or will be amongst us who woke up before committing yourself to the life long bond of marriage.

And for you who are married...let that second sentence be a wake up call. Our men is hoping that we will not change. That we will still be the sweet, cuddly, loving, forgiving, romantic and thoughtful finance' he asked to marry. Let us try to be. Keep hoping that he will change for the benefit of peace in the home and for the rekindling of warmth. After all, it also benefits us. Because we can never be whole again with our better halves. Therefore, at least make up for what the other half lacks...and somehow you will feel whole. And happy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Everyone wants to smell only what smells good. Thus comes the desire of all people to smell nothing but good! Thanks to the invention of perfumes because this time we can smell good longer than they do before.

Your preferred scent may not be what I prefer. Not because what you like does not smell good but because it does not go well with my body chemistry. Our bodily reaction to perfumes vary due to the difference in our body chemistry, physiologically. There are several factors actually, including diet, acid balance, medication, skin oil, pigmentation, mood, and environmental factor. Diet is a factor in the sense that when you have high fat consumption this can intensify the scent of the perfume as compared to another who is on a low fat diet. People who have dry skin need to reapply more often than those with oily skin. You simply have to be more aware of your this and that and on how to make it better.

Then again, you also have to make sure that you are not using imitations since they truly do not last. Plus it honestly smell different. Burberry, Calvin Klein, Yves Saint Laurant...or whatever you believe to be your own personal scent, is where to get it. Not only do they have almost all the brands you might be having problem looking for, but they also have great deals and discounts.

I don't know with you, but me, I GIVE MUCH IMPORTANCE to my smelling good. I feel sexy, I feel confident wearing quality perfume!


One of my most awaited TV series...

I love Tyra! Its amazing how she do that projecting. You honestly feel her. The photo simply comes out differently if it was she in it.

And as you watch those other girls TRY their very best, you then learn it's not as simple as it looks. Aside the fact that sometimes it is simply luck as to the challenge required of you. Like for those who hate snakes and they had to do their thing with a big snake wrapped around them, or when they have to do a commercial in skates when they do not know how to.

And one thing I have finally accepted, it is not how beautiful you are in being a model but on how you become beautiful in the photos or in a certain dress or make-up. The way you walk, the way you carry yourself, the way the camera and the people likes you.


We have heard of "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"...but agree with me in saying that we cannot just rely on what their eyes can see. We have to be sure that what they see is indeed beautiful and worth saying so. Therefore we do everything we can that will make our self look perfect to everyone...especially to those people whose vision of us matters.

This is when our own vanity comes in. The image of the perfect you flashes in your minds eye as you stare at yourself in the mirror, and there comes the decision of what you must do. Probably add volume to your limp hair, or tame your overly thick hair. You instantaneously choose the best product to would always be Loreal and/or Kerastase in your list because their product are widely known and used, praises and reviews comes positive, and they have reasonable prices (actually now discounted and is worth jumping at). Hair dryers, flat irons, or rollers definitely have to be a Babyliss Pro. If you want something lasting and trustworthy, it has to be none other.

Of course it's not just the hair, though hair is your crowning glory. The totality of you counts. And we all know that. But it is that "First expression lasts" that makes us want to present the best, followed by the even better rest...our totality. The inner beauty...your attitude, your manners, your confidence are also a measure of sexuality.


It isn't everywhere that you find a family that loves all their relatives. There always is someone you can't resist not overly liking. BUT no matter what, they are your relatives and you have one root, one family tree, one (or more) DNA in your system that is identical. YOU GOT TO LOVE THEM.



I am personally disclosing that this blog is written by me and only me; and all posts inclusive since 16 June 2009. Content is of personal opinion, view, belief and knowledge but ensures honesty and fairness. In the event that you have questions or reactions, as some topics may present conflict of interest, feel free to let me know by sending a message at As in other policies, “any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question”. This blog accepts different forms of compensation, like that of cash advertising, sponsorship or paid insertions; though may not always be revealed or visibly apparent.
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